Welcome to Horse-Bidder.com, the place to advertise and sell your horse!

Advertise Your Horse for Free

With us, you can advertise your horse completely free of charge. As a seller, you do not pay any listing fees. A 5% fee is added to the sale price for the buyer. This allows us to keep our service free for you and ensures your horse is sold at a fair price.


Auction and Trial Period

After registering your horse, potential buyers have four weeks to come and try out your horse.


Weekly Auction

Every Thursday, HorseBidder organizes an auction. This is the perfect opportunity to present your horse to a wide audience and find the ideal buyer. Our auctions attract buyers from all over the world, significantly increasing the chances of a successful sale.


Global Advertising

We provide global advertising for all horses listed on our website. This way, your advertisement reaches an international audience, increasing the chance of a quick and successful sale.


Selection Process for the Auction

After viewing your advertisement, it will be decided whether your horse can participate in the auction. This ensures that only the best horses are offered, maintaining the quality of our auctions.


Join Us Today

Take advantage of our auction services. Advertise your horse for free, reach buyers worldwide, and sell your horse at the best price!



Age Requirements: Only horses older than 4 years and younger than 17 years can register.
Medical Examination: Horses must be clinically and radiologically examined, and the examination must have taken place no more than 1 year ago.
Trial Period: Horses must be available for testing by potential buyers during the four-week trial period.
Registration: Registrations must be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59 PM to participate in the auction four weeks later.







Free for seller


Global Advertising

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