
Quality ZG Z has a promising future ahead of him, and that is not only because of his illustrious sire, Olympic medalist Quel Homme de Hus, but also because of his impressive dam line. His dam, Dia Dora Z.G., is a half-sister to several successful showjumpers, including the international 1.50/1.60m horse Fer ZG, and the 1.40/1.45m horses Infinety ZG, Cadiz ZG and Evra Z.G. The line continues with granddam Vodka Lime ZG, who is connected to famous names such as Jive ZG, Intouchable ZG and Ocala ZG. Even great-grandmother Presley has made her mark in international show jumping by performing at 1.45m level. With such a strong genetic background, it is clear that Quality ZG Z has all the potential to grow into a top jumper.


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